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John Robson: Why Is Israel Expected to Tolerate a Constant Rain of Murderous Fire and Not Retaliate?

Had Britain in 1939 named Hitler and Stalin for dismembering Poland and intoned “it should be universally condemned” then added “we also don’t want to see the conflict escalate,” well, I suppose the upside is we’d all speak fluent German. And of course there’d be no Israel to cause trouble by constant provocative efforts not to be annihilated.
Which might at least prompt the incautious question why it’s been happening. Did Israel decide to attack Hezbollah? And why Oct. 7, when Hamas and its horrible co-jihadis attacked Israel, rather than Oct. 13 when Israel retaliated? Not that hard to figure out, is it?
Far-right members. No far-left members of anything were available for criticism. And yes, same pundits and politicians said an Israeli incursion into Rafah would be a humanitarian and military debacle. But this time for sure.
Would any Western nation tolerate a constant rain of murderous fire from right across their border? No. Not even in these postmodern times. And after the Holocaust we said “Never again.” But when Jews are attacked and fight back, we tell them “Actually, just this once.” Again and again.
